Saturday, April 2, 2011

St. James Presbyterian Church

After leaving North Carolina A&T, we went to the Civil Rights Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. This center was once the Woolworth's department store discussed in the last postings. The students were able to learn more about the Civil Rights movement of the 60's.

We then traveled to St. James Presbyterian church. This church graciously provided us with dinner. The dinner was delicious!! They served baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, corn, bread and dessert. Thanks to my Pastor,Reverend Dante Quick and his mad connections, we were able to have a meal and enertainment from their youth group. You will see pictured Reverend Danner and the youth group serving and fellowshipping with us.

We always appreciate our supporters. St James, you are doing God's work (Mathew 25:33-40) We will always appreciate your service and support to us. May God continue to bless your ministries and growth.

1 comment:

  1. This was some good cookin! I believe I made a pig out of myself and that chocolate cake was just watering to eat. Thank you St. James Presbyterian Church. You were very kind to give us a meal and some good fellowship.
