Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can I Just get a Cup of Coffee?

This statue is on the Campus of North Carolina State A&T. This is a statue of four young men who started a protest, using a strategy known as sit-ins. This was a strategy used in the south and goes back to 1939 when Attorney Wilbert Tucker began protests in Alexandria, Virginia. These young men (The Greensboro four-Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair, and David Richmond), were freshman students on this campus. Their sit-in on February 1, 1960 was the beginning of what we call the Civil Rights Movement. They sat at the counter of a diner of F.W. Woolworth department store ordering coffee and respecting store policy. Later students from North Carolina State A&T, sat there in shifts. Woolworth's Department Store realized a drop in sales due to the sit-ins. On July 25, 1960 the owner served the African-American employees at the lunch counter. The next day the entire Woolworth's chain was desegregated. Sit-ins eventually became a popular protest strategy used through out the South.

This movement spread to other cities such as Nashville Tennesee. You know....... in the 60's there was a young Tennessee State University college student who participated in a sit-in in Nasville, Tennessee. He sat there and witnessed abusing to the other protesters. He saw a lady take a lit cigarette and burn it to the face of a white young lady who was participating in the protest. The abusers stated that since she was a protesting for these people she needed to look like them. The abusers started spiting on the protesters. The young college student witnessing this began to get afraid. The abusers went to the college student and was about to spit on him. Just as they were about to spit on him, he got up and stated that he was no longer non-violent. He got up and went home. He said " crying all the way home in shame."

This young man committed to never back down from a challenge of civil rights. He graduated from TSU in engineering and moved to Vallejo. Remebering his promise he started a boys club particularly for students of color. That club was started in 1966and now on this tour looking at this statue. Thank you Philmore Graham.

Hometown Students

This young lady pictured with Mrs. Kelly and myself is Lashanel Wallace. She is a member of our church back in Vallejo, California. Her mother is on a college tour with the Willie B. Adkins program. This is another program similar to Keystone also out of Vallejo, California. Lashanel (Nelly) participated in the program and eventually toured this school and now,three years later is a junior. We are proud of you Nelly.

North Carolina State A&T University

After Winstom Salem we toured North Carolina A&T Univerity.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finishing Winston Salem

This is Dedicated to Bro. Rice

This entry is dedicated to my Fraternity Brother Thaddeus Rice. He has been a great supporter over the years. We are in front of Dr. Haywood Wilson Hall, a classmate of Bro. Rice. We promised to take a picture where he attended. This is for you Brother Rice. Thank you for your support.

The Directors

We have two other directors who have been a big help to this tour. You see as always Mrs. Davis. This is her 14th year. This tour would not be what it is without her. Pictured with her is my wife Mrs. Kelly. She is a big part as well. She works with our parents and handles the money. She is also responsible for our hotel and bus arrangements. This is her 2nd tour. There would not be a tour without these powerful ladies.

More Winston Salem

Greek Plots

On many HBCU campuses, there are plots dedicated to the Greek Fraternities and Sororities. No one but members are allowed to stand on these plots.

Winston Salem State University

We are now touring Winston Salem State University. You will see us in a room with the college admission workers. You will also see the youth with their binders and brief cases. They are writing answers to the questions we have provided them. You will also see pictures of students touring the campus.

Beginning the Day

We start the day off every morning with a good morning song on the bus. Mr. Graham used to sing a song on the bus every morning on the bus. He used to purposely sing the song in a terrible voice. Every morning we initiate a new member by making them sing the song in the morning in their worst voice. Afterwards we share in a morning prayer. What you are seeing is what we do next. Mrs. Davis reads daily riddles. The answers to these riddles are in the tour and activities of the day. This encourages students to pay close attention to everything they see and hear.

The riddles for today are:

1. Scarlett, Ruby, Crimson and Rouge search me, find me, and present me.

2. Strong, sinuous,sure, snorting, sprawling, threatening a cure, black and gold truth be told. What am I?

3. Justice for one is not justice for all. We sat, we cried, we ultimately died. Four of us for all of you, who are we?

4. White and brown by the millions I'm found. Simple and unassuming by the dozen. They used me, picked me and certain death follows me. Try me and more grown you will be. Who am I?

Now for all you followers not with us. Sign in, and keep up with this blog. Let's see if you can answer these riddles. If you do, write back.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Johnson C. Smith University

Our first tour was at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina. We went to the admssions office to register our seniors. We were met there by Lauren, a college senior who answered our questions and informed us about the school. We then went on our tour. You will see pictures of our tour.

This tour started right after lunch, which was right after we touched ground. I lost my pictures from the airport. I ended up flying with the young men separately. We were able to get some sleep on the plane, but not enough.

Student of the Day

Another student featured today is Kree Kelly A.K.A (Doobie). Kree is one of the youngest members on the tour. She is a freshman at Vallejo High School. She has maintained a 3.0GPA while participating in Leadership, Junior Varsity Softball, and the Apache Academy at the School. She has been in Keystone Leadership for around 3 years participating in the Feed the Hungry and Food Pantry Program. She worked for the Angel Tree and American Baptist Girls. She praise dances for her church, Friendship Baptist Church and sings in the choir. She participates in the RESPECT Youth bible study group and the Delta Gems for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. I have known Kree all her life. I am her proud father. A quality that stands out about Kree is her ability to draw people to her. I am very thankful to God for you Kree and honored to be your father.

Student of the Day

Another student featured today is the beautiful, talented Erica Clay. Erica is a junior at Rodriguez High School in Faifield, California. I have known Erica since her middle school years at Solano Middle School. She has grown into a bright intellegent young lady. She has not missed a beat since joining the Keystone Leadership Program this year. She leads in fundraising and has been very active. She particpated in the Food Pantry and Feed the Hungry Program at Friendship Missionary Baptist Curch. She has worked with Delta Sigma Theta participating in the Delta Gems and community service such as their annual crab feed. She praise dances for her church, Mount Calvery Baptist Church in Fairfield California, as well as, singing in the choir. She performed a praise dance for our annual college tour crab feed bringing everyone to their feet in praise. Erica is a special young lady with a great future ahead. Erica, I am very proud of you. It has been and is a pleasure to work with you.

Student of the Day

One of our students of the day is Noah Johnson. He is a 15 year old freshman from Vallejo High School, and one of the youngest members on the tour. This young man is a member of the Junior Varsity Basketball with a 3.1 GPA. I have known Noah for aproximately 3 years. He joined the Keystone Leadership Program last year with his sister. He has participated in Comunity Service programs such as the Feed the Hungry Program and Food Pantry Program at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, as well as being my right hand man. Noah is a rare young man with a bright future. The thing that impresses me the most about this young man is his consistency. Noah comes in my office every day around 7:15am. I enjoy our conversations. Noah stay the way you are and there is no doubt in my mind that you will achieve whatever you strive for.

Wrap up Sessions

The last thing we do before the students are given their freedom, is a chance to wrap up the day. In their packets are college surveys. Yes, we give them the questions to ask the college admissions workers. The students are to complete the surveys and discuss them in our wrap up sessions. We discuss the college in more depth helping the students to really get a true understanding of the college. This is particularly useful for our seniors. During these sessions we discuss the day and point out the good and bad of the day. This helps to make our tour smooth.

We now are in for the day. We have completed our tour of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina. Before the tour the youth had a chance to eat at the Cracker Barrel, which was an experience for them. However, the food was great. We went straight there from airport, so the students are pretty tired and ready to sleep and begin their day tommorrow. Well, at least we hope they are tired!!

Late Afternoon Academic Work

Before the students are given free time in the evening, they are required to complete two pages of work given to them before the trip. The work includes SAT preparation questions in vocabulary, reading comprehension and math, and geography. We usually find a place in the hotel and work with the youth. You will also see Mrs. Davis working with the students giving aide and instruction.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hello Viewers,

My name is Edison Kelly. I am one of the directors for the Keystone Leadership Program. This program is a part of the Continentals of Omega Boys and Girls Club. This blog is one of many blogs I put together to showcase our annual Southern State College Tour. Every year we take high school students from Vallejo, California to the Eastern Southern States to visit colleges and universities,particularly Historical Black Colleges. I invite you to visit my past blogs:;, and, to view past college tours. This year we will be touring North and South Carolina, and Georgia. We will begin our seven day odyssey on March 27, 2011. Please follow, sign in, and make comments. To all the people viewing this blog who sponsored our trip, I want to say: "may God bless you for your support".

Thank you

Edison Kelly