Monday, March 28, 2011

Wrap up Sessions

The last thing we do before the students are given their freedom, is a chance to wrap up the day. In their packets are college surveys. Yes, we give them the questions to ask the college admissions workers. The students are to complete the surveys and discuss them in our wrap up sessions. We discuss the college in more depth helping the students to really get a true understanding of the college. This is particularly useful for our seniors. During these sessions we discuss the day and point out the good and bad of the day. This helps to make our tour smooth.

We now are in for the day. We have completed our tour of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina. Before the tour the youth had a chance to eat at the Cracker Barrel, which was an experience for them. However, the food was great. We went straight there from airport, so the students are pretty tired and ready to sleep and begin their day tommorrow. Well, at least we hope they are tired!!

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